
Syd Field performs a personal, individual analysis of your screenplay and gives suggestions for the rewrite. This evaluation is ideal for writers who want comprehensive feedback on their screenplay.

In these evaluations each screenwriter will:

  • Receive an in depth analysis of the screenplay, focusing on integrating story and premise into the arc of the story line.
  • Defining the inciting incident that sets the story in motion.
  • Is your character and story set up from page one, word one?
  • Integrate your character’s dramatic need through the story line.
  • Add more depth and dimension to the characters.
  • Understand the purpose and nature of dialogue to effectively reflect your characters inner thoughts, feelings and emotions.
  • Examine the emotional dynamics of conflict to expand the tension, purpose and motivation of the character.

Other points to be covered:

  • Opening up the action, creating a more dynamic visual arena.
  • Are the stakes high enough?
  • Are the transitions strong enough?
  • Relationships defined enough?
  • Does the ending work effectively?

These topics will be assessed and evaluated. There will be a one on one in-person consultation (if you live in the Los Angeles area); or a Skype consultation that will be recorded and sent to each participant.

Turnaround time will be three – four weeks, depending on Syd Field’s schedule.

Screenplay Evaluation – $2,700.00

[box type=”info”]Syd Field’s courses and evaluations will be made available soon. Please check back soon for an announcement.[/box]

4 Requirements for Submitting
Screenplays for Evaluation

  1. All screenplays must be submitted on three-hole punch paper held together by 2 or 3 two inch brads.
  2. Title pages should have title of screenplay, screenwriter’s name, phone number and address where writer can be reached.
  3. Screenplays must be professionally typed with no handwritten, or crossed out words scrawled in pen.
  4. Scripts should be checked for grammar and spelling errors.

If these requirements are not met, then the script will be returned to the writer, unread.


Screenplay Evaluation – $2,700.00

[box type=”info”]Syd Field’s courses and evaluations will be made available soon. Please check back soon for an announcement.[/box]